Wednesday 12 September 2012

Straight Lads Spanked - Update!

Andy and his new bike! (with Sammie)

Hey Everyone!

Ok, I just thought I'd give you all a bit of an update as to where I am with the madness that is Straight Lads Spanked!

Ok, so first of all I just wanted to explain what was happening with regards to payment and clips4sale as I have had quite a few emails about this recently. 

Ok, so about Clips4Sale. They offer a great service for small producers like myself and I certainly would not have got to this stage without using them. However, the problem is that they are very expensive to use. They take a 40% fee from all transactions. So putting that simply. If you purchase one of my movies from Clips4Sale that costs $10.00 you are automatically giving Clips4Sale $4.00 of your hard earned cash, leaving me with just $6.00 (around £3.72 in british pounds) to pay my models, fund locations, buy props and generally make more movies! This has meant that simply put, I am still pretty much funding all of this from my own pocket and would like one day to for it at least to take care of itself. Now this is not meant as a have a moan at Clips4Sale rant! Far from it! I just wanted to explain the situation.

Which leads me onto what I have been doing about it! Well first and foremost you can now purchase all of my movies directly through this site. You can find a full list and details by clicking here! I also promise that it will cost you less to purchase the movies directly this way compared to Clips4Sale. At the moment it is Paypal that securely processes the direct transactions (though you don't need a paypal account to use this service as Paypal was also process a credit or debit card transactions).

I am aware though that there is a small selection of my customers that for different reasons prefer not to use Paypal and it is for this reason that I am working hard behind the scenes to also introduce the option to pay for the movies directly using credit or debit cards through a secure processor called Sage Pay. This has been an adventure in itself as it involves having a business bank account and merchant number.. Can you imagine the meetings I have had with my bank so far??? 

As for Clips4Sale, I will continue to use them however there will always be a delay between new movies being released here and being being available on Clips4Sale. So to sum up, by purchasing the movies directly through this site you will always be able to get them cheaper and earlier and know that most of your cash is going towards making more movies! 

Ok speaking of more movies! All this behind the scenes stuff sorting out payment has meant that I have not released that much recently.....

.....I'm delighted to tell you though that I have been busy filming! Very busy indeed!!!!!!

I am so excited about the new movies!

These titles could well change, but here are some of the movies in the editing queue...

Spank Jenga – Andy, Patrick & Bailey

Karl – Consequences of Cheating – Part 2 – Wait Till Your Father Gets Home!

Andy – Wait Till Your Father Gets Home

Andy & Patrick bedroom

Liam – Prison Punishment

Karl – Prison Punishment

Liam – Bedtime – Teddy Bear Spanking

Ben & Bailey – Spanked Footballers

James – Birthday Spanking

Jay – Stick Thrash!

Oliver – Chinese Birch

and that is not even half of them!

Next up is........

Liam - Bath Brush Beating!


  1. Andy looks so cool on that bike, a real mean bike rider, some of the titles sound great can't wait to see some more red bottoms on show. Mr X I also love the background stuff you do with the guys, knowing then a little more makes the spanking more enjoyable for me, so I hope you will be doing more of that too, Best wishes to you and all the guys. Welshboy

    1. I'm with you I like the background stuff too.

    2. Welshboy! You only like the behind the scenes stuff because you get to see Andy get a free spank jut from you! :)

  2. How can you say Andy looks like a real mean biker when he is holding his little puppy Sammie! lol! :)

  3. Yes that could have something to do with it, Ha Ha

  4. Can't wait for the new videos! Ben and Bailey spanked together? Sounds excellent to me. And Andy and Patrick Bedroom...hopefully an OTK scene. Anything with Andy is great for me but those two together are fantastic. Best of luck with the banks and keep up the great work.

  5. Replies
    1. sorry! Really am! I'm getting there! New movie will be up within 48 hours I promise! Just juggling other work right now. But I promise, once I start releasing the new titles will start flowing! :)

  6. It's official I'm moving to london Andy and that puppy are so cute it needs to be a crime. Though I find most mm spankings to be kinda creepy I love SLS! The men are too gorgeous. Especially Ben <3. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see the new movies!!

    1. Thanks Kgrace4e2! So glad you are liking SLS! :)

  7. Aawwww. Cute photo, Mr. X. Nice bike, nice pup, nice guy.

    The list of coming attractions is very enticing. Keep 'em comin'!

    By the way, what breed of dog is Sammie?

  8. I want to know the same thing ? We have 3 black lab.

    1. Sammie is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Jack Russell! He is actually 2 years old but Andy still calls him puppy! It's too cute! :)

  9. I'm salivating just reading these titles!

    1. would you like another title Mr Goblin?

    2. I'd love SEVERAL, but could settle for one. ;D

    3. Ok so here are several then SoupGoblin. Bear in mind these are only early titles and I may well change them..

      Andy & Jay – Paddle Dare!
      Lee - Spanked for Smoking
      Andy - Bubble Bath Blues!

    4. Argh! I NEED to see Andy & Jay's paddle dare video! What kind of dare is it? Do they dare each other? Are they dared to see who can take more licks? Who can turn the other's butt redder? The public NEEDS to know, Mr X! xD

    5. Ha! Well to be honest, this movie never ended as I intended!

      Ok the premise is that Andy and Jay break into coach Bailey's office for a dar/challenge! They both want to date the same girl and they decide to settle it out with the coaches paddle! They take turns in swatting each other and the guy who says stop first backs away from the girl!

      It sounded like a great idea but the reality was that it turned into chaos!

      We shall see how it all turns out after editing! :)

    6. Ok here is another title for you......

      Oliver - Stole From Dad!

  10. Why us there a woman on a gay mm spanking blog? Regina Thats confusing????

    1. Hi Anonymous person!! Well I am a little confused to be honest!!!!! As the person who created this blog it is the first time I have had it referred to as a 'gay' mm spanking blog!

      For sure there is no doubt that it is a mm spanking blog but it is for anyone who enjoys and appreciates mm spanking. Many of the participants of this blog would consider themselves to be either straight males and straight females. There is no male/male sex happening in any of my movies. Simply guys (and straight guys at that) being disciplined!

      Regina is a valued member of this blog. An active participant and she is also happy to set up a proper profile rather than remaining anonymous which I appreciate!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh and thank you mr. X

  11. Where's James on the title list? :( not fair Mr x :)

    1. hmmmm, well there is this title!

      James - Birthday Spanking

  12. Mr X let me start of by saying valued member ok well you also need to consider I have bought some of your movies and I stand to correct you a lot of the people who visit your blog are manly gay men your blog is considered GAY I don't know men who are straight who like to watch other men get spanked its insane and as for that woman who removed her comment well shes confuses me liking a GAY blog you must understand that your videos on any site would 99% of the time come under that as being gay just because the models are straight you work isn't is it???? Most people would agree with me and if Regina you wanna say sank say it! Why I would question buying a video from you now cuz you've actually annoyed me big time I just can't believe you said it the first time it been called that well it is GAY alot of the lads don't like taking pants down OLIVER as your a man and they deem it gay I don't wanna sound nasty but it's just annoying when someone like me has bought your videos and just cuz I don't have an account I get told off bout it. TYPICAL REALLY..

    1. Are you even being serious? What's wrong with a lady (or ladies) who enjoy watching men spank each other? Don't be so closed-minded. Regina is a fan the same as you are, except better mannered.

    2. Hello Anonymous, I;m sorry you feel annoyed. Nobody told you off. I only mentioned that Regina is a valued member of this MM Spanking blog and that I appreciate that she has taken the time to set up a profile. I never said that I don't appreciate you and I never told you off. I apologise if you felt that was my intention though.

      What I can tell you though, is that many women by and enjoy my videos, it is not just Regina. I can also tell you that I receive direct communication from many straight men that enjoy my videos too. I'm not making this up. It is simply a fact.

      I also appreciate though that the majority of the fans are gay men but certainly not all of them. Just because you do not personally know straight men or women that enjoy MM spanking does not make it insane that many do.

      The lads don't like taking their pants down because they find it embarrassing and it makes them feel exposed. They would find it embarrassing also if they had to get undressed in front of a female that was going to spank them.

      But look anonymous person. I'm not here to get into arguments, and certainly don't want people to feel annoyed! I'm certainly happy to have discussions and debates though. What I do ask is that everyone that participates in these discussions shows respect to others wether they are male, female, gay, straight or whatever! We are all simply people that enjoy MM Spanking! That is what brings us all together so lets welcome everyone and have some fun! :)

  13. And why in here I just want to say to my knowing most people who like mm spanking are gay I mean I'm from London if I'd ask a lad you wanna watch me spank this other lad he would think I'm crazed

    1. I also live in London and most of the people that I know that enjoy MM Spanking are gay men. However, I also know people in London that enjoy MM Spanking that are bisexual and people in London that enjoy MM Spanking that are straight men. I guess we just know different people! :)

  14. Any straight men here???? What do you like about other lads spanked???? I'm really interested

  15. Soup Goblin you can't say she better manner than me you don't even know me now whose being I'll manerd judging someone before they know then!

  16. Mr X you respect people who create a profile ok then I take that let's see your real blogger profile NO MASK! :) but on a serious note I've been on gay spanking blogs for 4-5 years now and haven't come across many woman but you know it's all good everyone's different I respect. Yeh anom never did fit to well call me Luke Minaj

    1. Hi Luke

      You have obviously not been visiting the right blogs, but Regina is by no means the only woman to visit this one. Actually, I have never thought of this as a "gay" blog, after all the actors are all straight.

      You remind me of the panic caused when I posted a message to a male spanking group on Google, you would have thought I'd walked into the Men's locker room "EEEEK! it's a girl!!!" :)

    2. Oh! I'm pleased you showed up here and joined in Sarah! :)

  17. Hi Sarah
    Just the gay mm spanking blogs
    And well it is gay don't matter that there str8 to me it's still classed as gay and yeh when you fancy men seeing a woman is kind of off putting tho I have nothing against woman I prefer to chat to the actually

    1. You know, I did mention this before I think but let me try and make it clearer.

      I created this blog and I produce all the movies.

      I have only ever thought as this as a MM spanking blog. It has never even crossed my mind that it is a 'gay' MM spanking blog. It was certainly never created that way. It is a blog about MM spanking and nothing to do with being gay! Of course, the guys in the movies are hot looking guys so clearly it is going to attract a load of gay males. But equally, girls like to see hot looking guys too!

      I am aware that there are other spanking sites that feature gay guys spanking and the spanking is sexual and the there is sexual groping and the guys may also have sex! with each other and I can see why that would be classed as a gay MM spanking blog.

      But anyway! People can view the blog as they wish and that is cool! There is no right or wrong. In my head though I created a MM Spanking blog and not a 'Gay' MM Spanking blog!

    2. Ok Mr X let me make it clear to you....
      What your doing woundnt happen in real life you wouldn't get a 21 22 year old lad put over his dads knee and spanked that I know of so yes male on male will be seen as gay and for it never crossing your mind that it is gay really? Ok well my I don't mind If woman like it just didn't think they would but you mentioned that gay MM spanking includes sex no it doesn't the main studio that may do that is spankthis and here and there sting pictures have but a lot of blogs I've visited put mmspanking under the gay section as we both no mm spanking is to popular but lucky we have you and other studios to role out great movies but most lads who take part in mm spanking are straight lads not gay that was also once said by Richard O Shea at sting so a lot of people we see what you do as gay I don't care that people have commented saying I'm wrong cuz they have a right to be wrong no but really it's just how I see it

    3. Hello!

      Thanks for making it clear!

      Ok, just a few points...

      """What your doing woundnt happen in real life you wouldn't get a 21 22 year old lad put over his dads knee and spanked that I know of so yes male on male will be seen as gay"""

      I guess it's all a matter of opinion really... So if you are suggesting that a father spanking his son is somehow 'gay' because the son is 21 or 22 at what age does it a father spanking his son become gay? I'm assuming that you don't thing a Dad spanking an 8 year as a punishment is gay. So when does it become 'gay'?

      I just find it all a bit confusing as I believe that the in simple terms the definition of gay was term to describe somebody who is sexually attracted to somebody of the same sex. At no time in any of my movies is there even a hint that there is any of that happening.

      However, I completely understand how somebody who is attracted to guys whether it is a gay guy or a straight woman could find the visual of a hot guy, naked and vulnerable getting punished would find it sexually thrilling and of course, with it all being guys involved it is clearly homoerotic....... but not gay!

      Ok so you also say...

      ""and for it never crossing your mind that it is gay really?""""

      It is 100% clear to me that what I produce appeals to the gay audience (as well as some straight guys and certainly women too) so I was not saying that it never crossed my mind that mm spanking could be seen by others as a bit gay! I really do get that.

      What never crossed my mind was that this blog would be termed a 'gay' blog! That is all. Just a small detail really. Sure, a blog that is enjoyed by many gay people but not a 'gay' blog. It s a blog about MM Spanking!

      Ok you also say...

      ""you mentioned that gay MM spanking includes sex no it doesn't""

      Well I didn't say that at all .....

      what I said was

      ""I am aware that there are other spanking sites that feature gay guys spanking and the spanking is sexual and the there is sexual groping and the guys may also have sex! with each other and I can see why that would be classed as a gay MM spanking blog. ""

      So all I am saying is that there are some mm spanking blogs that feature guys having sex with each other and I would certainly class that as a "gay mm spanking blog"

      But look! It really does not matter if people think it is gay or straight or whatever... People can form their own opinions. I my head, the blog I created is devoted to MM Spanking and you feel it is about gay MM spanking!

      Either way it really does not matter as long as we all enjoy it!


      Great to have you onboard anyway!

      KInd regards!

      Mr X! :)

    4. Ok I'm tired of fighting my corner now.
      But what I'll say it obviously if a dad punishes his son and he's like 21 22 it's abit odd maybe that does happen who knows but I think some people if you told them so so got a hiding from his dad at 21 that say really a his age that abit gay just as an expression. That's all I will still enjoy your work and your good at your films :)

      P.s we learn new things everyday I wasn't sure women straight lads would be in this but it cool more the merry :) And the more support for you

  18. Ok Sarah what do you like to see about A lad getting spanked it that not to forward for you to answer

    1. I guess it appeals to a sadistic streak in me, and it is fun to see men in such a vulnerable situation. I especially liked the ones where hunky males like Bailey or Ben show their sensitive sides as in the Bubble Bath Blues videos.

      Its also nice to see grown men reduced to the roles of naughty children waiting for Daddy to come home. Or getting their just deserts as in "Bailey Bullies Apprentice"

      I love men, but its nice to see them getting put down from time to time.

      I don't understand why you think its odd, if the blog was about girls spanking girls 90% of the visitors would be straight men.

  19. I find it odd but fair point it not like you hate men just wanna see them beat :) actually it quite the same for me lol

  20. And Mr X I guess I'm not wrong by saying that your gay right


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