Thursday 6 September 2012

Smart Straight Lads!

Andy, Oliver & Jay looking rather smart at a filming session today!


  1. WoW how cute do the three guys look, I hope you will be spanking the guys good and hard with these suits on I can't wait for this one to come out.

  2. hmmmmmm, how about if not only Mr X spanked them hard......... but then, they were all forced to spank each other? Would that spice things up a little?

    1. now that sounds a great idea, Mr X I am so looking forward to this video. Welshboy

  3. Very smart indeed . . . though they'd look even better if those fancy pants were around their ankles and it were their buttocks that were smarting. ;]

    1. I imagine that's the next frame! :-)

  4. que guapos los tres pero una pena que no se ven los zapatos

  5. Seeing Oliver in his sexy suit, I went to re see his first video, after watching it three times, I have to say sorry to Oliver for over looking his acting and cute bottom in those green underwear that show off his bottom very well, yes I think those were very real tears at the end, A very big well done to Oliver.Welshboy

    1. Welshboy, I'm gonna tell you secret, just between you and me.... Oliver's - Kissing Other Girls is probably my my favourite ever movie........ Now I'm not saying it is the BEST one I have ever produced.... however, if I was ever to re watch any movie it would be this one! Oliver is handsome and his reactions are so real as you would expect from a straight lad. Extremely stoic at the beginning, but just at the end he cracks!

  6. They look very smart indeed, Mr. X. Can you give us a few hints as to what they will be doing in the video in which I presume they will be co-starring?

    1. hmmmmmmmmm since you asked!

      Very brief story...

      It was the end of season football awards party.... Their team won an award...... The lads were no where to be seen... They were caught in a Hotel room with a hooker, drink and other substances...

      Sent to Mr X the morning after..

      All three lads spanked.....


      they are still arguing...

      So Mr X sets them a task!!!!

      All three lads have to spank each other..

      and they do!!!!!

    2. OOOh! I must say I'm anxiously awaiting this one.

  7. hurry up- i really wanna see this one.

  8. It's in the queue! Expect a flurry of releases soon!!!!!


  9. Their bottoms were not very cool! :)


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