Sunday 9 March 2014

Awesome Email!

The main thing that keeps me going here is the feedback I get from people who have viewed my movies. I really love it! Even just a 2 word comment left on a movie means the world to me.
I sometimes get emails to and that is also nice when people take an interest and get involved. Though I always prefer comments left on the website to emails as that way everyone can share...
A few days ago I received one email. It meant a lot to me. It gave me confidence that sleepless nights and doubt about what I was doing was truly worthwhile.
I asked the sender if it was ok for me to share this email and she said yes.
(oh and just to clarify, just because I am highlighting this email it does not mean that a value others from anyone else any less) 

So here it is!
Hello Straight Lads Spanked!

Please accept my apologies in advance for the essay that's going to follow. I tried to keep it concise, but there is just so much I'd like you to know!

Firstly, THANK YOU for even existing! I found several clips of your movies floating around the internet and decided to visit your site. After downloading some of your free movies and interviews I was utterly blown away and had sign up as a member. You are the first adult studio I've bought a subscription to. That may not mean much to you, but if you consider that:
A) I'm a broke college student with little spare money; and
B) I'd not yet found adult content of sufficient quality for purchase,
then it means your site and your work are head and shoulders above the rest! I could not believe I'd stumbled upon this treasure trove of movies about gorgeous lads being spanked by a man (Dave), whom I can only assume is gorgeous as well, judging by his sparkling personality, lovely accent, strong spanking arm, and fondness for cats and plaid shoes. :)

It's clear that you have a great working relationship with most of the models and you have some fun making these movies. The movies themselves are convincing and have good story lines. The spankings are real and painful, but not over-the-top; you don't mark your models severely. This is rather important to me. Many sites advertising spanking and "real punishments" have models that come away with terrible marks and this leaves me feeling deep sympathy for the model rather than being able to enjoy the movie. You care about the safety of your models. Your movies express punishment without brutality, and this makes them immensely enjoyable. 

Also, there is no sex in your movies, which is wonderfully refreshing. I've spent years sifting through adult websites trying to filter out the sex, looking for just spanking. The vast majority of spanking videos I've seen have sexual connotations, even if it's not explicit. I don't get even a hint of that from your movies, so thank you! And they're all MM spanking, which is the best kind! For some reason when a man is spanking another man, it is easier to believe it is a punishment. Movies with MF, lesbian FF, or gay MM spanking comes across as sensual or for fun even if it is advertised as "punishment".  Also with MF or FM movies there are often implied gender roles, in which the "weaker" gender needs to be dominated by the opposite sex. Not so with MM! And the fact that all the models you work with are straight removes any doubt that these movies are not sexual in nature. 

Your tag line on the home page of your site is excellent. "Not just spanking, it's the whole punishment" is exactly what I've been looking for all these years. Spanking, on it's own, is good. Spanking, when coupled with a lecture, a small dose of humiliation, and a contrite recipient is phenomenal! In some of your movies it's difficult to believe that there is no script; the lectures delivered and the responses from the models are exceptional and incredibly realistic.  In no particular order, Dom, Oliver, Andy, and Bailey are superb actors. And, can't forget Dave! You always seem to know just what to say, whether playing Mr. X or an angry father. You are terrific and can dish out a heck of a spanking! That and your accent is divine. 

Your movie editor, Art, is absolutely fantastic. There is a marked improvement between your earlier movies and your latest ones (not that the earlier ones were bad, they're still quite good!). Art, the transitions are seamless and you work magic with the footage. You are a movie-making wizard and you have my thanks! 

My mother worked in London years ago and I didn't get to go with, so I've thought about taking a trip to see the city for myself. Now I definitely know that Iwill visit, if only to get "Mr. X" to autograph one of my implements!

Many, many thanks to Dave, Art, and all the models! PLEASE continue the outstanding work. I sincerely hope you are around for many years to come, and I will continue to support you.


P.S. In case of curiosity, I'm a 23 year old girl from the USA who loves to spank and be spanked!Of course, regular members contact me often through the site and email and I hope you know I appreciate it and your contact means as much to me as as this email. 

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