Wednesday 19 December 2012

Straight Lads Spanked - New Beginnings!


Mr X here!

Hope this finds you all well? I have had a few emails asking if I was ok my postings on here have not been very frequent recently. I'm pleased to report that everything is great. There is a reason though for my distraction.....

Breaking News!!!

I am delighted to announce that I will be launching a brand new Straight Lads Spanked website. In fact, it is nearly ready to go!

I am so excited about this! My eyes have turned square from sitting in front of my laptop for the last week or so putting it all together!

So what is this new site I hear you ask??

Well the new site will be really quick and easy to navigate around. It's a proper website and not a blog. All the movies will be on there.

I will now be able to accept credit card payments as well using Epoch as the processor....

The biggest development of all though is that I will have a brand new members area! You will be able to join the members area if you wish and get access to all of my movies as well as receiving a brand new movie every single week!

Pay per View will also still be an option as well,

Oh and I will also still be selling the movies from this blog using Paypal as I know many of you have had a great experience with that system.

If you have any questions, please feel free to hit the comment button below.


Mr X


  1. That's good news. I'm looking forward to seeing the new site.

    I'm also curious. Which would be the cheapest way to purchase your videos - via Epoch or via Paypal?

    1. yea what about Paypal? -- will you be using it Mr X? and what is the name of site? When is the launch?

    2. Hmm, ok so let me answer these questions.

      So there there will be a few options available to purchase the videos.

      Individual Movie Downloads

      So for the time being you will still be able to purchase my movies individually. There will be a few different payment methods available to do this.

      1. Paypal - I am pleased to say that my product has been fully vetted and approved by Paypal and as long as they are happy to work with me I will continue to make the movies available to purchase using Paypal via this blog.

      2. Credit Card - Epoch. You will also be able to purchase the movies individually using your credit card, being processed with Epoch through my new website.

      The price will be the same wether you use Paypal or Epoch for the individual downloads for all the new movies.

      Paypal take less of a cut than Epoch do, so as far as I am concerned, please continue using Paypal! That means more of your cash can be invested into making more movies!

      Members Section!

      So for the first time I will be offering a members section. For a monthly fee you will not only get full access to all of my back catalogue of movies but also a brand new movie every single week.

      To answer Rasputin's question, joining the members section will 100% be the cheapest way to view my movies.

      Rugbysock, the site will be launched very soon. Hopefully over the next few days (I really am working round the clock on this) The name will be revealed soon. It's not that I am keeping it a secret, I am still bashing out some final details...

      Hope that answers it all for you?

      Mr X

  2. That is Great News. I will be loooking for the days to past quickly so the new sight gets here, Thank's (lori)

  3. I've been waiting on you to get a website.

    1. Hey Regina! It's so exciting! It's going to be launched very soon indeed!

  4. I am also looking forward to seeing the new site. I wonder what has happened to Jockspank blog.

    1. Hi! Here is an official announcement regarding JockSpank..

      I am writing to you all on a BCC basis, so as to inform you what has happened to JockSpank, which as you may be aware is not currently accessible.
      What has happened (Blogger informs me) is that their "Automated Classification System" has incorrectly classified JockSpank as a Spam blog, and, therefore, it has been disabled.
      Here is a definition of a Spam blog, which is clearly not what JockSpank is however, the fact that we have so many links back to the commercial studios who's work we post, can, I am told, cause these types of false positive results when dealing with an automated system, manned by robots
      We have appealed against this classification and asked that a human being review the blog so that they can determine that it is not a spam blog, and then reinstate JockSpank. I am optimistic that the appeal will succeed, as a human will be able to see that it is not Spam. However, I have no idea how long this could take.
      Some of you may recall this is the second time this has happened to JockSpank, we had a similar problem in September 2009, and successfully appealed against the classification. (However, that took a month) Which is one reason why this is so annoying that it has happened again.
      In the meantime, we will be posting to the backup blog JockSpank II – here is the link which I plan to publicise as widely as I can.
      Clearly it will not achieve the same number of visitors as JockSpank, which, until this happened was averaging 3,800 unique visitors each day of the week and over 4,100 per day at weekends. However, I believe I can get the visitor numbers up to a few hundred a day quite quickly, maybe even more.
      To help us with this, I would be grateful if those of you with blogs will let me know if you would post a banner linking to the back up blog
      However, if you would prefer that I do not use your work on the smaller blog please let me know.
      As soon as JockSpank is reinstated all posting which have been made to the back up blog will be transferred over to JockSpank.
      That said, Bruce and I have discussed this, and we are no longer prepared to put up with this sort of behaviour from blogger, and will start looking at alternative providers.
      Thanks for your help
      Ward and Bruce at JockSpank


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