Sunday 11 November 2012

The Germany Adventure! Straight Lads Spanked meets Magic Spanking Factory!

Well, after keeping this quiet for so long it's great to finally be able to share it with you all! It's been a rather lonely secret!

So where to begin? I suppose we should begin at the very beginning!

So ever since I set up Straight Lads Spanked I have been in contact with Stephen from the Magic Spanking Factory. Since he is so much older than me (it's lucky that he is over in Germany now) I thought I would pick his brains along the way with. Contrary to what people might think, Stephen was very generous with his advice and was a great help when I got started.

So for a long time I had this germ of an idea that wouldn't it be something if Mr X appeared in Stephens's setting or vice versa.....

But it was simply that... just a mad, crazy idea that I kept to myself! I mean, it was madness. How could that ever work?

Then I mentioned it to Stephen one day.... and rather than saying I was totally bonkers he thought it was hilarious!

So then I started making plans! I thought about story ideas and who best to film it with.. Andy seemed the perfect choice! So I ran it by him and he got excited!

Then it all just seemed to happen!

Flights were booked, accommodation sorted and off we went!

So of course, I had to do some filming on the way! I'm not quite sure how I got away with it, but I really did film Andy getting dragged by his ear through the airport, onto the plane and during the flight! It was hilarious! I hope you agree the end results were worth it too?

So lets talk about Stephen! What a wonderful host he was and a very charming man! In the movies he can often come across as a bit wild and scary! So what is the real Stephen like? Well just like that! Wild and Scary! lol!

Not true! Stephen is very funny man, great host, raconteur and knows all the best restaurants! When it came to filming he also was able to teach me a thing or two. In particular about lighting, but more about that in a later post!

There was so much laughter and out takes during filming too. Stephen just made me laugh as he switched in and out of his character. When he smacked Andy over the head with his book everything stopped for ages! I was aching with laughter! Especially when I had warned Andy whilst outside the door to keep a straight face at all times!

I think a few words has to be said about Andy here! Wow! How much has he come on? The sequence in Mr X's house at the start of the film, shot in London is one of my favourite things I have captured so far! Andy's defiant performance, being cheeky to Mr X is compelling to watch. I'm sure it must leave the viewer wondering where on earth this can possibly lead to! Also on the day of filming in Stephens house, Andy was not feeling his best and had a splitting headache (well wouldn't you if you had been dragged by your ear from London to Frankfurt?) but he just got on with it all!

Jonathon! Oh My! Where do I begin? Ok, lets get the obvious stuff out of the way! Jonathon is simply stunning looking. He has the most perfect features and looks even better in real life than in the movies if that is at all possible! He was also taller than I expected! :) Moving on from his looks though. What a well mannered, polite young man he really is. Best of all though. When it comes to performing in these movies, he simply just gets it! Considering English is not his first language, I can honestly say I found it easier to direct Jonathon than most English speaking models I have worked with. You just have to explain something once and he takes it and runs with it! So filming the scrtached car movies with him was easy and fun! I hope you all enjoy watching it!

We also shot a third, as yet unreleased movie featuring Jonathon & Andy. Seeing them spanking each other was a sight to behold!

So that is it for now!

The secrets are out there! Thanks for all your support! I would love to hear what you all really thought of it all, so please feel free to hit the comment button below and leave your thoughts! I know Stephen will be reading this later too!


Mr X

Mr X deals with Jonathon in 'Scratched Car'

Mr X & Stephen!

Stephen dishes it out in 'Foul Mouthed Andy - Spanked & Belted"


  1. What can I say about both movies, It has been a delight to watch them both.The idea was real out their and it was the best idea to keep it all under raps.What can I say about Andy, This was the best thing he has done so fare, his acting in the first part was first class, and at this point I did not know where this was going to go, The ear pulling was a nice.At the airport, I was lost and was thinking where is he going with this. Still when you got to Germany I could not get it, but when I saw Stephen I did laugh out loud. What a shock that was. As for Stephen he is a real star in his own life time, the hit to Andy's head, and (I don't like bad language) made me laugh, great comic timing, and to you Mr X,I loved the filming and the editing of the film, well done to all.Welshboy

  2. Now on to Jonathon, What a star he is I do have a few of his films that have been done at magic Spanking Factory. Stephen and Jonathon do work well together, As for Mr X and Jonathon again I did laugh. When Jonathon did a quick take to see you in the room again nice filming and editing. I for one would be very happy if this kind of story could be done again. well done to all, love it. Welshboy

  3. I must agree with welshboy, Andy was funny good in the first part of the movie, and the ear pulling in the airport was great, but wow going to Germany to finnish his punishment that was great, never been done before got to hand it to you it was a great peice, hope to see it done again at some point. Stephen has a true talent to is craft of administering punishment's to bad boy's this is the first one I have seen of his. I truly enjoyed it. Jonathon was aslo great n his movie, hope you do more with him as well. Keep up the great work Mr. X and I will be a fan as long as possible. Hope you have some in the work for christmas. Take care. (lori)

  4. I think this is one of your best films yet Mr X

    Honestly though, this was great fun to do and we all had a great time. It was a very funny weekend. I think everybody enjoyed themselves. I certainly did. Andy was very easy to work with and Mr X's storyline I thought was great too. I hope everybody who bought this clip when it was released enjoyed the surprise.



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