Wednesday 28 November 2012

18 year old Karl - The Interview - Your Questions are Needed!


Apologies for the delay in this! Young Karl is being interviewed tomorrow. It's finally happening!

If anyone would like to submit any extra questions for Karl, please hit the comment button below where you can do that. If you leave a name I'll make sure you get a mention!


Mr X


  1. I would like to ask Karl, of all the videos you have filmed which one was the hardest for you to do also of all the implements Mr X has used on your bottom which one did you least like. Lastly Karl I want to thank you for getting spanked for our pleasure. Welshboy.

  2. I'd like to ask Karl, how long did the pain last, how did you feel after the spanking, what about the following night, could you sleep well, what about the next morning.

  3. Karl do you ever enjoy getting spanked and if so is there a certain type of a guy you prefer to mr.x perhaps someone younger and do you belive that liking to get spanked by certain men even makes you gay

  4. Hi Mr. X,
    I'm sure someone will have already asked these questions but just in case, here goes:
    Hi Karl....were you spanked as a kid? If so, who spanked you and how? And how old where you when you got your last spanking?
    How did you get connected to Mr. X and Straight Lads Spanked?
    Have you become more comfortable with the spankings as you've done more shoots?
    Who spanked you harder? Bailey or Mr. X?
    Thanks so much, Karl. I'm a big fan of your videos and look forward to seeing more of you.
    P.S. Mr. X, can you give Karl a spank for me? :-)
    Thanks to both of you.

  5. Thank you, Karl, you take a wonderful spanking. How do you feel about you and 18-yeard-old Lee spanking each other, say, in a dispute over girl/boyfriends?

  6. Ok here's one how intense and was you actually scared buy bailey beating you?

  7. Ok what about do you consider what you do as gay and what do others think about this please ask this l mr x

  8. First of all, I would like to thank all of the crew at SL for their efforts. Which movie did Karl enjoy participating in the most? I am going to guess Spank Jenga II. If Karl was given a choice of any SL cast member to administer a spanking to, who would it be and why? Karl is my favorite SL model. Thank you for this opportunity and creative idea. These questions are from Disney Jason in Central Florida, USA.

  9. I want to know if Karls' mates know he gets whacked - and what they would say if they found out!

  10. I want to know if Karl ever gets an erection when he's being spanked or swung around by a man like Bailey and what happens if he does?

  11. How long was it after Karl was spanked by Bailey until he was able to sit down comfortably again?

  12. Does Karl have a girlfriend?

  13. Hi Karl There is a Question to you and to Mr X and I have no Idee how and where to realice this so It's just hypothetic.
    Can you imagine to do whatever you do in the movies presenting live on stage?

  14. Hi Karl, please be re-assured that the pain you go through is worth it as it gives your fans so much pleasure!
    My questions:- Do you play any sports? How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

  15. I got a Question to your real Live.
    Did you ever get a spanking in school, at home or in your job and if yes, can you state the reason? Have you been guilty or not guilty and did you promise not to do that again but you did.

  16. Clansmanchris ( November 2012 at 03:17

    Four questions for pretty boy/nortie boi, Karl:-

    (i). Which is your favourite and least favourite spanking implement; and why?

    (ii). Although I know to be, or assume you to be, straight, do you find being spanked by another male sexually arousing?

    (iii). I love your legs. Would you consider having your bare thighs slapped and strapped, preferably by me but if I'm not fortunate enough to slap and strap your leggies, either by Bailey or Mr X, in addition to having your very spankable botty soundly spanked? I would love to see you in a pair of short shorts!

    Finally Karl, you are by far the prettiest boi on Straightladssppanked, would you like to have dinner with me sometime and/or go over my knee before and/or after we have eaten? If so, please e-mail me.

    xxxxxx (six of the best tor each bum-cheek and thigh from me)!

  17. I have to say this but some of you ask Dirty questions you should respect 1 to speak in a nice manner does Karl like xfactor who does he want to win

  18. Ok mr x do you member me I'd like you to ask does he think this type of work is gay spanking? Or not LUKE SHOUTOUT

  19. Please ask Karl - Do you enjoy spanking women? and why


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