Wednesday 6 June 2012

Caught Spying on Girls - 18 year old Karl

Introducing Karl who is soundly punished by Coach Bailey

Karl has just finished swimming practise. He heads for the showers to freshen up. Whilst he is busy soaping himself down under the running water he notices a hole in the wall.   Coach Bailey delivers a stern but kindly lecture about keeping his young desires under control. 

He can't believe what he is seeing on the other side..... The girls showering! 

Karl does what any 18 year old straight lad would do under the circumstances and spies whilst jerking off!

He is in mid stroke when Coach Bailey comes barging in.

Caught red handed Karl is told to get to the Coaches office! Karl is so embarrassed. He really looks up to Coach Bailey and is martified that he got caught wanking!

Karl is faced with a stark choice. Bailey tells Karl's parents and the rest of the team or Karl accepts a punishment

It's a grim decision but Karl decides he would rather face Baileys strong hand than public humiliation!

What happens next is a tough lesson. Bailey really goes to town on this sorry lad and wastes no time in getting the speedos off! Karl is spanked hard over the coaches knee. He is struggling around with his legs kicking back but he is powerless in Baileys strong grip! 

Eventually the punishment is over and Karl is sent on his way with Bailey promising that it will never be mentioned again! 

Free Video Trailer

......more from Mr X! 
"Well this was young Karl's first every shoot at Straight Lads Spanked. It was also his first ever spanking! Bailey laid it on hard and Karl certainly got a thorough introduction!

Download this real spanking movie here!

14 minutes


  1. Fantastic. Just bought this clip and I highly recommend it. Bailey has become a spanker extraordinaire. And the new model Carl is cute as can be. This is a great OTK scene

    1. Thanks Matt! I'm really glad you enjoyed this one. I agree, Bailey is awesome in it and Karl makes a great debut!


  2. If this video is any indication, Bailey is one of the best spankers on the net. And Kyle's facial expressions are fantastic. His reactions are natural and convincing and you can see that this is a very real and very hard spanking. Please make more with Bailey as the top!

    1. Hey Tawser!

      I also agree about Karls facial reactions! Believe me they are 100% real... In fact, I have an outtake of this somewhere which I might post sometime... What happens is that Bailey has been spanking Karl, and really going for it! Harder than Mr X normally spanks and I decided that Karl really had, had enough punishment.. however, Bailey is so involved with what he is doing he dopes not see me signal to stop and I actually have to tap his head and bring him out of his fixed concentration!!!!

      So glad you are enjoying my work (and Bailey's and Karl's) and I really appreciate the feedback!


  3. I'm afraid I'll have to pass on this one. Karl's reaction is too stoic for my taste, and the "spankee" should be more handsome and more muscular than this lad. However, if you were to make a sequel to this video along the lines of the following paragraph, I would definitely buy it.

    Karl catches Coach Bailey in a compromising situation. (I'll let you dream up the situation.) If word gets out, Bailey will lose his job. In exchange for his silence, Karl wants some payback - i.e., Coach Bailey (wearing a speedo) will lie down over Karl's lap, and let the kid give him a hard, long OTK spanking. THAT would be an interesting video! :-)

    What do you think, Mr. X?

  4. I bought this ... the camera work is a bit wonky. However Karl or Kyle or whatever he's called is dead cute and gets a good spanking. Like to see more of him and love if he was more vocal - I like to hear the 'ows' and 'arghs'.

    1. Hi
      Glad you enjoyed. I am trying to work on steadying the camera! Glad it never stopped you enjoying it though!


  5. Excellent plot. Congratulations.
    Where the hell is my bloody drill?

    1. Hi Stephen!

      Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you liked it!

      (oh never mind looking for a drill, I found that a bit of boot polish rubbed into the tiles works just as well)!


    2. Great idea. Doris (my housekeeper) will strangle me!
      She's found so much other stuff though that she won't be fazed by that. She found a riding crop once and asked in a very dry tone, "Taken up riding have you?"

      Keep up the good work.

    3. I'm most impressed of all that your housekeeper is called Doris. I mean, surely that is what you expect a Housekeeper to be called!


    4. She really is called Doris. She also knows all the guys, doesn't know what they do here (except eat), and all the lads think she is great. "Now Jonathon, don't let Stephen be nasty to you" That cracks them up of course.

    5. Stephen, how could anyone think you have a nasty bone in your body!!!!!


  6. Damn it! Just as Karl was getting it good it ended! Why stop just as he's really getting the point? He was just starting to really react and get to a reaction when the clip ends. That's a real shame. Next time take it further; something more akin to 'Reluctant Young Men'; that's the kind of clip I'd really go for.

    1. Hi Fig!

      It's great that Reluctant Young Men cater for the type of scenes that you enjoy. I have seen their stuff too and he does spank hard!

      As for this clip with Karl.... well there are a few things to take into consideration. Lets talk about real life stuff first of all. Karl really is only 18 and this really was the first time he had ever done anything on film or being spanked before in his entire life!!.. I want to make sure that these guys come back and do more work and not brutalise them on their first ever shoot! :) as well as producing movies that I hope are authentic and that people enjoy, I also have a duty of care to the guys that are filming this stuff and have to work at their pace...

      Saying all of that, Karl was spanked very hard and very real in this clip. In fact, the only other OTK hand spanking that I recall that was as tough as this one was Mr X spanking Brett in "Don't Steal From Mum" Part 2 Where Brett is spanked very long and hard! (though Brett also got the belt and slipper) and Brett has been taking it for years!

      So talking about the fiction side of things. One thing I am trying to do with Straight Lads Spanked is to try and tell a story and have some justification for the spankings (Reluctant Young Men tend to do things differently and very often when the model is being asked why he is there to get spanked he simply says it's for the money, there is generally not a back story and what you are then watching is some guy just being spanked for the sake of him enduring it and getting paid. Now don't get me wrong, this is not a criticism at all of what RYM do, I'm just pointing out the differences. Actually, thinking about it, there used to be more of an attempt with some kind of set up or back story with RYM but not so much nowadays)....... So back to what I'm doing at Straight Lads Spanked. The scenario and build up is as important to me as the spanking itself. In this case with Bailey spanking Karl, one of my favourite parts of this whole clip is the way that Bailey chats with Karl before the spanking. Bailey is being strict, sure, but I think Bailey also portrays a sense that he actually likes and cares for Karl and that the spanking is actually to teach him a life lesson (and also to save Karl from the humiliation of everyone else finding out that he was wanking off in the showers) So under these circumstances Bailey dishes out a very hard spanking to get the message home but in that situation there is no way that he would spank the poor lad until he was black and blue! My feeling is that the intensity was just right (if not a little too intense) for the crime Karl committed and the situation in general.

      Anyway, Karl has shown that he can take a hard spanking and I very much plan to utilise this for future shoots!


      Mr X

      PS if you are a fan of the harder spanking watch out for the yet to be released Bailey - Bath Brush Beating!

  7. Thanks for the fulsome response. The fact that you take the time to reply does make a difference. Good customer service! ... don't agree with what you say, but its nice to know you take notice!

    1. Hey fig!

      Happy to be of service!


  8. Wow - what a fantastic shoot! Congratulations to all involved and top marks for realism and the quality of acting. There's so much half-hearted, limp stuff out there on the Net that this would refresh even the most jaded of palates, I'm sure. I don't think it was too intense but that's me.

    Blogger Rasputin gave a description of his dream scene and mine would be as follows :-

    Instead of the spankee removing his own underwear, what about Bailey starting to take them down with the spankee still OTK, the spankee reaches back to try to keep them up, Bailey pins his hand/arm behind his back, pulls down the underwear and spanks just that bit harder (I don't mean black and blue) to reassert and emphasise his authority/control.

    Some suitably angry verbal could accompany - A guaranteed sale (from me at least)

    Anyway, I echo blogger Tawser - Please, please more Bailey as OTK spanker. With that strong right hand of his, he certainly doesn't need to rely on any other implement.


    1. Hey Jaded Palate!

      Thanks for the feedback! I'm so glad you liked it! I must admit, for various reasons it is a favorite of mine too! I was really blown away by Bailey in this one. I knew in my head how I wanted him to play the role and he got it spot on!

      As for your idea about Bailey pulling the underwear down. I'm certain that can be arranged. In fact, I'm shooting with both Bailey and Karl on Wednesday, doing a follow up to this so I will see if that can be done then!

      Don't worry, Bailey is gonna be doing a lot more spanking!!

  9. He deserves a hard spanking for wanking in the showers.


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