Friday 22 June 2012

Andy - The Interview!

Well here it is! My interview with Andy. Just filmed a few hours ago. Thanks for all the questions you sent in, I got through them all and I hope I covered everything.

 As usual, all I ask is if you do watch this and enjoy it hit the comment button below and leave a message. I will be passing it all on to Andy.

Part One

Part Two


  1. Best interview ever! I was Andy's number one fan. Now I'm whatever is beyond number one. He's funny, sexy, smart, and a great spanker/spankee. I can't wait to see more of him. Mr. X, thanks. Andy, thanks SO much. I'll be in touch! ;-)

  2. And another thing......his brother Patrick in a scene with him? Are you kidding? That would be too hot. Those two boys OTK in front of each other? I'll be the first to buy it! And Andy said he'd make it happen, so.........

  3. Pity he's not gay. What a cute smile! And those muscles!! I wouldn't mind getting spanked by him.

  4. OMG, did Andy really say he would let his fan Matt spank him ? Matt will have to join the Q because I live in London and would be very happy indeed to pay for the privilge to spank him (not too hard) with my hand. How about it Andy ? The bank is open.

  5. In addition to being a handsome, muscular guy, Andy seems pleasant and down-to-earth. His Irish accent is charming, too. It's really a shame that he marred his God-given beauty with all of those tattoos.

    I'm looking forward to the video in which Andy and his younger brother get spanked, and to the video in which Andy and Bailey get to whack each other on the butt! :-)

  6. Another sensational guy! Where do you find them? I want to move there!

  7. ...and he has a brother.............?!

  8. Just watched the interview with Andy, What a great interview, first thank you Mr X for giving Andy that extra spank he needed it. What a great guy Andy comes across in talking and his way of looking at life.
    Mr X will you tell Andy thank you very much for doing this interview, I am shore he will have a lot more fans after this too. I must say I can't wait to see the spanking video with his brother WOW.
    Keep up the good work Mr X

  9. I can't wait to see Andy and Bailey spanking each other!

  10. Way to go Andy! I laughed when he said he would like to spank Barack Obama. LOTS of Americans would. Maybe we can on November 8, 2012.

  11. Great interview. Andy is a wonderful guy. Mrs. Andy is a very lucky woman.

    And Andy is right, Everyone should do it.

  12. Oh the adorbes! :) He is too cute and too funny. Huge fan. :)


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