Tuesday 29 May 2012

Bailey - The Interview! Your questions are needed! :)

Hi Everyone!

On Thursday I am shooting some new video. I'm hoping to fit in an informal video chat/interview with Bailey I am planning to ask him about his experiences filming so far, maybe about any real life spankings he has had and so on... I thought I'd put it out there and invite you to submit any questions you would like me to ask Bailey. All you have to do is click on the 'comment' button underneath to submit!


Mr X



  1. Hey Bailey,were you spanked as a teenager and till what age?

    1. Hey! Great question! I'll certainly ask that one. Oh if you leave me a name I can tell bailey who it is from?

    2. Follow-up questions would be: If you were spanked as a teenager, who spanked you - your mother or your father? How old were you when they stopped spanking you? Did they use their hand, or some sort of implement like a cane or switch or belt? Were you spanked OTK, lying on the bed, leaning over a chair, how? Were you spanked on the seat of your trousers, on the seat of your underwear, or on the bare buttocks?

  2. I am curious as to whether Bailey feels like taking part in these shoots affects how he views himself and the type of person he considers himself to be.

    1. Hey EssexSpanko, I think I understand what you are getting at here but if you could be more specific please feel free. I just want to ensure I ask the right question! :)

  3. I also wonder if he feels the need to play up his reaction to the spanking or whether he has a lower pain threshold. If the former, why? If the latter, would he consider harder, longer spankings? Where would his upper limit lie?


  4. Hey Essex! I can certainly ask Bailey this one! I could probably answer both parts on his behalf right now but I will let Bailey explain in his own words! As for the second part of your question. I reckon a yet to be released video involving a bath brush and a little bruising might answer the question all by itself!


  5. Bailey do you like being spanked and do you ever just do it for fun and also why dont you ever call the spanker daddy instead of just dad i think daddy is much sexier

    1. It would probably be because Bailey is a grown man, and adults call their fathers "dad". Outside of the American Southeast, only young children (and some adult daughters) call their fathers "daddy".

  6. Ask Bailey if he utilizes spanking (either giving or receiving) in his adult sex life?. Does he ever use bondage role playing in his spanking fantasies - e.g., is he bound & gagged while being spanked, or does he bind & gag someone else while spanking them? Does he ever incorporate spanking and bondage in his sex fantasies?

    1. I'll certainly ask him this Rasputin! :)

  7. Ask him how he feels about the Humiliation scenarios, where he is spanked and shamed in front of someone else, is there any part of his which actually finds them embarrassing?

    Also, does he understand why seeing a guy like him humiliated is such a turn on for the viewers?

    1. Great question! Interstingly enough, the humiliation thing is something I have discussed with Bailey at length. Lets see what he says about it!

  8. What were his thoughts when he was first asked to do a spanking movie?

    Second question, Bailey is a good actor, has he any ambition to take up acting professionally?

    1. great question! If you give me your name Anonymous I'll mention you in the interview! The first question is one I know the answer too. It's a great question and answer! :)

  9. I was wondering if Bailey's Dad ever administered real spankings when Bailey was growing up. If his Dad spanked, did he ever have to take his pants off first? How would he be positioned for the spanking and what would his Dad use? What are some specific transgressions Bailey remembers getting spankings for? Did Bailey ever receive corporal punishment while in school, where ever that might have been. What was the hardest and most painful spanking Bailey ever got from his Dad, and what was he in trouble for?

    1. haha! This is about 10 questions! They are all great! I'll plough through them!

  10. I certainly cannot fault a man for making an honest living and taking care of his family in these trying economic times. I would like to ask Bailey if he enjoys having his bottom smacked by other men and enjoys smacking other men's bottoms too, OR is he just making these films for the money to support his family?

    1. I'll certainly ask this Swatter! Out of interest, which answer would you prefer out of the two options? I mean, would it be a bigger thrill for you as viewer if you thought that Bailey actually enjoyed it a bit or is it even more thrilling to know he hates every second of it! I have my own thoughts on this and would be interested to hear what you think?

  11. I was wondering if Bailey gets spanked other than on film, if so where does he get spanked. Does he also like role play even off film. I think this as been asked but did he ever get the cane or spanked either by a teacher or his father when he was a boy. If not how did he get his first spanking.

    1. cheers for the input! I'll include these!

  12. how old are you ? bailey

  13. RE: 1ST q.Sorry MR X it's Jamal.

  14. You are forgiven, this time Jamal! Any repeat of this though and there will be consequences!!!!!!

  15. Bailey do you like getting spanked with your clothes on or off more and if you ever have a son would you spank him for misbehaving

  16. I would really like to see Bailey i a scen where he is kneeling
    so you can se his balls from behind when he is spanked!!

  17. Hello, I do not speak almost anything about Englishman asique have not understood anything the interview. Ami me gustaria that bailey was placing on his knees and was putting on airs tremendously hardly and that if deseais is recorded. Also me gustaria q bailey penny was using loafers or carshoes. also know which are all his measures.

  18. Mr X

    Will Bailey ever get to see the feedback on his interview? It would be great to know his response

  19. bailey is very handsome could we see more of his body before he gets into the spanking, best wishes to him & thanks for the videsos.n.


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